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Ephemerals, Awaken and Extravagant - Sliding Cultures


First edition

Call for proposals 2009

a “non – festival” experience to create and transform a public contest to encourage the artistic creation of young people and the cultural tourism an interactive platform to perform contemporary languages in historical places an hub for new generations



This first edition will show over 5 days, between 29th June and 3rd July 2009, artist from Italy and abroad on the following location www.corliano.it



When the cultures transform landscapes and landscapes create culture.

Making a poliedric and interdisciplinary cultural event, we aim to improve a XVI century dwelling full of artistic and cultural interest and to promote Tuscany, in particular referring to the area embracing three cities: Pisa, Lucca and Livorno. History & Contemporary crossover to relight the past and draw the future through the engagement in art and culture.



This year we will focus on two key words such as EPHEMERAL and FAIRY –TALE.

The main areas of some events taking part in the program of the non – festival are: modern and contemporary art, exhibition and video – art, music and performing arts, educational and cultural tour. Follow us while creating on www.efimeri.ning.com


We make a call for artists, groups and cultural associations presenting diverse shows as artistically approaches, proposing new concepts or original creations realized in the last years.



You can present ideas and projects in ARTISTIC (performing arts, happening, workshop, exhibit) or CULTURAL (suggesting issues and showing their sense connections) spheres.



Please send your application by latest: February 28 (post date), including:

-1. Video documentation of your recent work (DVD / no trailer, only full documentation) including title / short description / length of the piece /year of creation / technical rider/ number of the people travelling, budget for production and management


-2. Dossier about your work, including press reviews in Italian (if available) or English


-3. Biography


Address: Sliding Cultures – call 2009

 c/o Sciascia, Via Magnozzi39

Livorno 57122 -Italy


Selection decision on 8th March2009

www.efimeri.ning.com  - 9th March2009 h: 12am


For more information: Ilaria + (39) 333.6819263 non.festival@gmail.com

Efimeri, Svegliati e Stravaganti - metamorfosi dei paesaggi culturali

29th june-3rd July– 2009 Corliano Villa & Park San GiulianoTerme Pisa Sliding Cultures


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  • : Indipendent Collector Outsider Art
  • : Pubblicazione eventi culturali, ricerca spazi e luoghi espositivi, promozione di artisti.
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